Three Things You Need To Do After Inheriting An Art Collection

If you've recently been fortunate enough to inherit a loved one's fine art collection, you've probably already given some thought to where the individual pieces will fit into your home. However, it's also possible that the collection simply doesn't pair well with your personal decor preferences and overall style, and if that's the case, you may be wondering what you can do with the collection. Fine art holds too much value to be donated to a charity thrift shop, and you may also feel that trying to sell it yourself will put you in way over your head — after all, unless you're an art expert, pricing individual pieces or the collection as a whole is likely to be out of your wheelhouse. Read More 

How To Enhance Your Photography Business

If you enjoy taking pictures, you can make some extra money as a professional photographer. All you need to get started is a good camera and an eye for photography. However, if you find you enjoy the photography business, you may want to improve your services to attract more customers. Here are four ways you can do that: 1. Offer headshots. Headshot photography is a lucrative business. People need their portraits taken for all sorts of reasons. Read More 

Marketing Your First Short Film

As an independent short film director, you don't have a big studio or 10 employees behind you to market your creation. You have to do the marketing yourself or with the help of a few people you pay on an as-needed basis. What you should not do is avoid marketing altogether because you are afraid of failure or unsure of how to start. Without marketing, you won't have an audience. Here are some tips for marketing your short film. Read More 

How Warmer And Cooler Temperatures Can Negatively Affect Wine

If you are an aspiring wine collector, then you may want to make sure that you are placing your wine in an environment that is suitable. This is one reason why individuals purchase wine refrigerators and place their bottles in carefully arranged wine cellars. One of the most important aspects of wine storage is making sure that bottles are kept at the right temperature. Keep reading to learn about wine and how too warm and too cold of temperatures can affect it. Read More 

Building Your Art Career

As someone who is adventurous enough to really try making a living off the artwork you think up and create, a career can seem difficult. However, with dedication, a real life can be made with the art you show and sell to others. These two actions are especially needed. 1-Get a Blog If you work with your hands, it may not be an easy trip to the world wide web. However, you likely surf the web for your own casual enjoyment; some people are looking for work like yours. Read More